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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Still \Still\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stilled}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Stilling}.] [AS. stillan, from stille still, quiet, firm.
   See {Still}, a.]
   1. To stop, as motion or agitation; to cause to become quiet,
      or comparatively quiet; to check the agitation of; as, to
      still the raging sea.

            He having a full sway over the water, had power to
            still and compose it, as well as to move and disturb
            it.                                   --Woodward.

   2. To stop, as noise; to silence.

            With his name the mothers still their babies.

   3. To appease; to calm; to quiet, as tumult, agitation, or
      excitement; as, to still the passions. --Shak.

            Toil that would, at least, have stilled an unquiet
            impulse in me.                        --Hawthorne.

   Syn: To quiet; calm; allay; lull; pacify; appease; subdue;
        suppress; silence; stop; check; restrain.
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