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The devout

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Devout \De*vout"\, a. [OE. devot, devout, F. d['e]vot, from L.
   devotus devoted, p. p. of devovere. See {Devote}, v. t.]
   1. Devoted to religion or to religious feelings and duties;
      absorbed in religious exercises; given to devotion; pious;
      reverent; religious.

            A devout man, and one that feared God. --Acts x. 2.

            We must be constant and devout in the worship of
            God.                                  --Rogers.

   2. Expressing devotion or piety; as, eyes devout; sighs
      devout; a devout posture. --Milton.

   3. Warmly devoted; hearty; sincere; earnest; as, devout
      wishes for one's welfare.

   {The devout}, devoutly religious persons, those who are
      sincerely pious.

   Syn: Holy; pure; religious; prayerful; pious; earnest;
        reverent; solemn; sincere.
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