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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Arabesque \Ar`a*besque"\, n. [F. arabesque, fr. It. arabesco,
   fr. Arabo Arab.]
   A style of ornamentation either painted, inlaid, or carved in
   low relief. It consists of a pattern in which plants, fruits,
   foliage, etc., as well as figures of men and animals, real or
   imaginary, are fantastically interlaced or put together.

   Note: It was employed in Roman imperial ornamentation, and
         appeared, without the animal figures, in Moorish and
         Arabic decorative art. (See {Moresque}.) The arabesques
         of the Renaissance were founded on Greco-Roman work.

Arabesque \Ar`a*besque"\, a.
   1. Arabian. [Obs.]

   2. Relating to, or exhibiting, the style of ornament called
      arabesque; as, arabesque frescoes.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: position in which the dancer has one leg raised behind and
          arms outstretched in a conventional pose
     2: an ornament that interlaces simulated foliage in an
        intricate design
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