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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Carnival \Car"ni*val\, n. [It. carnevale, prob. for older
   carnelevale, prop., the putting away of meat; fr. L. caro,
   carnis, flesh + levare to take away, lift up, fr. levis
   1. A festival celebrated with merriment and revelry in Roman
      Gatholic countries during the week before Lent, esp. at
      Rome and Naples, during a few days (three to ten) before
      Lent, ending with Shrove Tuesday.

            The carnival at Venice is everywhere talked of.

   2. Any merrymaking, feasting, or masquerading, especially
      when overstepping the bounds of decorum; a time of riotous
      excess. --Tennyson.

            He saw the lean dogs beneath the wall Hold o'er the
            dead their carnival                   --Byron.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a festival marked by merrymaking and processions
     2: a frenetic disorganized (and often comic) disturbance
        suggestive of a circus or carnival; "it was so funny it
        was a circus"; "the whole occasion had a carnival
        atmosphere" [syn: {circus}]
     3: a traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games of
        skill etc. [syn: {fair}, {funfair}]
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