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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Dicker \Dick"er\, n. [Also daker, dakir; akin to Icel. dekr,
   Dan. deger, G. decher; all prob. from LL. dacra, dacrum, the
   number ten, akin to L. decuria a division consisting of ten,
   fr. decem ten. See {Ten}.]
   1. The number or quantity of ten, particularly ten hides or
      skins; a dakir; as, a dicker of gloves. [Obs.]

            A dicker of cowhides.                 --Heywood.

   2. A chaffering, barter, or exchange, of small wares; as, to
      make a dicker. [U.S.]

            For peddling dicker, not for honest sales.

Dicker \Dick"er\, v. i. & t.
   To negotiate a dicker; to barter. [U.S.] ``Ready to dicker.
   and to swap.'' --Cooper.

Source : WordNet®

     v : negotiate the terms of an exchange; "We bargained for a
         beautiful rug in the bazaar" [syn: {bargain}]
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