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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Feverfew \Fe"ver*few\, n. [AS. feferfuge, fr. L. febrifugia. See
   {fever}, {Fugitive}, and cf. {Febrifuge}.] (Bot.)
   A perennial plant ({Pyrethrum, or Chrysanthemum, Parthenium})
   allied to camomile, having finely divided leaves and white
   blossoms; -- so named from its supposed febrifugal qualities.

Source : WordNet®

     n : bushy aromatic European perennial herb having clusters of
         buttonlike white-rayed flower heads; valued traditionally
         for medicinal uses; sometimes placed in genus
         Chrysanthemum [syn: {Tanacetum parthenium}, {Chrysanthemum
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