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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hob \Hob\, n.
   A peg, pin, or mark used as a target in some games, as an
   iron pin in quoits; also, a game in which such a target is

Hob \Hob\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
   The male ferret.

Hob \Hob\, n. [Prob. akin to hump. Cf. {Hub}. ]
   1. The hub of a wheel. See {Hub}. --Washington.

   2. The flat projection or iron shelf at the side of a fire
      grate, where things are put to be kept warm. --Smart.

   3. (Mech.) A threaded and fluted hardened steel cutter,
      resembling a tap, used in a lathe for forming the teeth of
      screw chasers, worm wheels, etc.

Hob \Hob\, n. [Orig. an abbrev. of Robin, Robert; Robin
   Goodfellow a celebrated fairy, or domestic spirit. Cf.
   {Hobgoblin}, and see {Robin}. ]
   1. A fairy; a sprite; an elf. [Obs.]

            From elves, hobs, and fairies, . . . Defend us, good
            Heaven !                              --Beau. & FL.

   2. A countryman; a rustic; a clown. [Obs.] --Nares.

Source : WordNet®

     v : cut with a hob
     [also: {hobbing}, {hobbed}]

     n 1: (folklore) a small grotesque supernatural creature that
          makes trouble for human beings [syn: {goblin}, {hobgoblin}]
     2: (folklore) fairies that are somewhat mischievous [syn: {elf},
         {gremlin}, {pixie}, {pixy}, {brownie}, {imp}]
     3: a hard steel edge tool used to cut gears
     4: a shelf beside an open fire where something can be kept warm
     [also: {hobbing}, {hobbed}]
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