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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Legislative \Leg"is*la*tive\ (l[e^]j"[i^]s*l[asl]*t[i^]v), a.
   [Cf. F. l['e]gislatif.]
   1. Making, or having the power to make, a law or laws;
      lawmaking; -- distinguished from {executive}; as, a
      legislative act; a legislative body.

            The supreme legislative power of England was lodged
            in the king and great council, or what was
            afterwards called the Parliament.     --Hume.

   2. Of or pertaining to the making of laws; suitable to
      legislation; as, the transaction of legislative business;
      the legislative style.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: relating to a legislature or composed of members of a
            legislature; "legislative council"
     2: of or relating to or created by legislation; "legislative
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