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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Less \Less\ (l[e^]s), conj.
   Unless. [Obs.] --B. Jonson.

Less \Less\, a. [OE. lesse, AS. l[=ae]ssa; akin to OFries.
   l[=e]ssa; a compar. from a lost positive form. Cf. {Lesser},
   {Lest}, {Least}. Less has the sense of the comparative degree
   of little.]
   Smaller; not so large or great; not so much; shorter;
   inferior; as, a less quantity or number; a horse of less size
   or value; in less time than before.

   Note: The substantive which less qualifies is often omitted;
         as, the purse contained less (money) than ten dollars.
         See {Less}, n.

               Thus in less [time] than a hundred years from the
               coming of Augustine, all England became
               Christian.                         --E. A.

Less \Less\, adv. [AS. l[=ae]s. See {Less}, adj., and cf.
   Not so much; in a smaller or lower degree; as, less bright or
   loud; less beautiful.

Less \Less\, n.
   1. A smaller portion or quantity.

            The children of Israel did so, and gathered, some
            more, some less.                      --Ex. xvi. 17.

   2. The inferior, younger, or smaller.

            The less is blessed of the better.    --Heb. vii. 7.

Less \Less\, v. t.
   To make less; to lessen. [Obs.] --Gower.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: (comparative of `little' usually used with mass nouns) a
            quantifier meaning not as great in amount or degree;
            "of less importance"; "less time to spend with the
            family"; "a shower uses less water"; "less than three
            years old" [syn: {less(a)}] [ant: {more(a)}]
     2: (usually preceded by `no') lower in quality; "no less than
     3: (usually preceded by `no') lower in esteem; "no less a
        person than the king himself" [syn: {lower}]
     4: (nonstandard in some uses but often idiomatic with measure
        phrases) fewer; "less than three weeks"; "no less than 50
        people attended"; "in 25 words or less"

     adv 1: used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs;
            "less interesting"; "less expensive"; "less quickly"
            [syn: {to a lesser extent}] [ant: {more}]
     2: comparative of little; "she walks less than she should"; "he
        works less these days" [ant: {more}]
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