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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Rendezvous \Ren"dez*vous\, v. t.
   To bring together at a certain place; to cause to be
   assembled. --Echard.

Rendezvous \Ren"dez*vous\ (r?n"d?*v[=oo] or {r?n}"-; 277), n.;
   pl. {Rendezvouses} (r?n"d?-v[=oo]`z?z).

   Note: [Rare in the plural.] [F. rendez-vous, properly, render
         yourselves, repair to a place. See {Render}.]
   1. A place appointed for a meeting, or at which persons
      customarily meet.

            An inn, the free rendezvous of all travelers. --Sir
                                                  W. Scott.

   2. Especially, the appointed place for troops, or for the
      ships of a fleet, to assemble; also, a place for

            The king appointed his whole army to be drawn
            together to a rendezvous at Marlborough.

   3. A meeting by appointment. --Sprat.

   4. Retreat; refuge. [Obs.] --Shak.

Rendezvous \Ren"dez*vous\ (r[e^]n"d[e^]*v[=oo] or r[aum]N"-;
   277), v. i. [imp. &. p. p. {Rendezvoused} (-v[=oo]d); p. pr.
   & vb. n. {Rendezvousing} (-v[=oo]*[i^]ng).]
   To assemble or meet at a particular place.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a meeting planned at a certain time and place
     2: a place where people meet; "he was waiting for them at the
     3: a date; usually with a member of the opposite sex [syn: {tryst}]
     v : meet at a rendezvous

Source : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

        1. In {Ada}, the method of synchronising the activity of
        different tasks.
        2. Query language, close to natural English.
        ["Seven Steps to Rendezvous with the Casual User", E. Codd in
        Data Base Management, J.W.  Klimbie et al eds, N-H 1974,
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