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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scullery \Scul"ler*y\, n.; pl. {Sculleries}. [Probably
   originally, a place for washing dishes, and for swillery, fr.
   OE. swilen to wash, AS. swilian (see {Swill} to wash, to
   drink), but influenced either by Icel. skola, skyla, Dan.
   skylle, or by OF. escuelier a place for keeping dishes, fr.
   escuele a dish, F. ['e]cuelle, fr. L. scutella a salver,
   waiter (cf. {Scuttle} a basket); or perhaps the English word
   is immediately from the OF. escuelier; cf. OE. squyllare a
   1. A place where dishes, kettles, and culinary utensils, are
      cleaned and kept; also, a room attached to the kitchen,
      where the coarse work is done; a back kitchen.

   2. Hence, refuse; filth; offal. [Obs.] --Gauden.

Source : WordNet®

     n : a small room (in large old British houses) next to the
         kitchen; where kitchen utensils are cleaned and kept and
         other rough household jobs are done
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