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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Strickle \Stric"kle\, n. [See {Strike}.]
   1. An instrument to strike grain to a level with the measure;
      a strike.

   2. An instrument for whetting scythes; a rifle.

   3. (Founding) An instrument used for smoothing the surface of
      a core.

   4. (Carp. & Mason.) A templet; a pattern.

   5. An instrument used in dressing flax. [Prov. Eng.]

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: an implement for sharpening scythes
     2: a tool used to level off grain or other granular material in
        a measure
     3: a tool used in a foundry to shape a mold in sand
     v 1: form with a strickle; "strickle in sand"
     2: smooth with a strickle; "strickle the grain in the measure"
        [syn: {strike}]
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