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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stub \Stub\, n. [OE. stubbe, AS. stub, styb; akin to D. stobbe,
   LG. stubbe, Dan. stub, Sw. stubbe, Icel. stubbr, stubbi; cf.
   Gr. ?.]
   1. The stump of a tree; that part of a tree or plant which
      remains fixed in the earth when the stem is cut down; --
      applied especially to the stump of a small tree, or shrub.

            Stubs sharp and hideous to behold.    --Chaucer.

            And prickly stubs instead of trees are found.

   2. A log; a block; a blockhead. [Obs.] --Milton.

   3. The short blunt part of anything after larger part has
      been broken off or used up; hence, anything short and
      thick; as, the stub of a pencil, candle, or cigar.

   4. A part of a leaf in a check book, after a check is torn
      out, on which the number, amount, and destination of the
      check are usually recorded.

   5. A pen with a short, blunt nib.

   6. A stub nail; an old horseshoe nail; also, stub iron.

   {Stub end} (Mach.), the enlarged end of a connecting rod, to
      which the strap is fastened.

   {Stub iron}, iron made from stub nails, or old horseshoe
      nails, -- used in making gun barrels.

   {Stub mortise} (Carp.), a mortise passing only partly through
      the timber in which it is formed.

   {Stub nail}, an old horseshoe nail; a nail broken off; also,
      a short, thick nail.

   {Stub short}, or {Stub shot} (Lumber Manuf.), the part of the
      end of a sawn log or plank which is beyond the place where
      the saw kerf ends, and which retains the plank in
      connection with the log, until it is split off.

   {Stub twist}, material for a gun barrel, made of a spirally
      welded ribbon of steel and stub iron combined.

Stub \Stub\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stubbed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   1. To grub up by the roots; to extirpate; as, to stub up
      edible roots.

            What stubbing, plowing, digging, and harrowing is to
            a piece of land.                      --Berkley.

   2. To remove stubs from; as, to stub land.

   3. To strike as the toes, against a stub, stone, or other
      fixed object. [U. S.]

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a short piece remaining on a trunk or stem where a branch is
     2: a small piece; "a nub of coal"; "a stub of a pencil" [syn: {nub}]
     3: a torn part of a ticket returned to the holder as a receipt
        [syn: {ticket stub}]
     4: the part of a check that is retained as a record [syn: {check
        stub}, {counterfoil}]
     5: the small unused part of something (especially the end of a
        cigarette that is left after smoking) [syn: {butt}]
     [also: {stubbing}, {stubbed}]

     v : strike against an object; "She stubbed her one's toe in the
         dark and now it's broken" [syn: {scrape}, {skin}, {abrade}]
     [also: {stubbing}, {stubbed}]

Source : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

        1.  A dummy procedure used when linking a program
        with a {run-time library}.  The stub routine need not contain
        any code and is only present to prevent "undefined label"
        errors at link time.
        2.  A local procedure in a {remote
        procedure call}.  The {client} calls the stub to perform some
        task and need not necessarily be aware that RPC is involved.
        The stub transmits parameters over the network to the {server}
        and returns the results to the caller.
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