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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Winch \Winch\, v. i. [See {Wince}.]
   To wince; to shrink; to kick with impatience or uneasiness.

Winch \Winch\, n.
   A kick, as of a beast, from impatience or uneasiness.

Winch \Winch\, n. [OE. winche, AS. wince a winch, a reel to wind
   thread upon. Cf. {Wink}.]
   1. A crank with a handle, for giving motion to a machine, a
      grindstone, etc.

   2. An instrument with which to turn or strain something

   3. An axle or drum turned by a crank with a handle, or by
      power, for raising weights, as from the hold of a ship,
      from mines, etc.; a windlass.

   4. A wince.

Source : WordNet®

     n : lifting device consisting of a horizontal cylinder turned by
         a crank on which a cable or rope winds [syn: {windlass}]
     v : pull or lift up with or as if with a winch; "winch up the
         slack line"
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