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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Winder \Wind"er\, n.
   A blow taking away the breath. [Slang]

Winder \Wind"er\, v. i.
   To wither; to fail. [Obs.] --Holland.

Winder \Wind"er\, n. [From {Wind} to turn.]
   1. One who, or that which, winds; hence, a creeping or
      winding plant.

   2. An apparatus used for winding silk, cotton, etc., on
      spools, bobbins, reels, or the like.

   3. (Arch.) One in a flight of steps which are curved in plan,
      so that each tread is broader at one end than at the
      other; -- distinguished from flyer.

Winder \Wind"er\, v. t. & i. [Prov. E. winder a fan, and to
   winnow. ?. Cf. {Winnow}.]
   To fan; to clean grain with a fan. [Prov. Eng.]

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a worker who winds (e.g., a winch or clock or other
     2: mechanical device used to wind another device that is driven
        by a spring (as a clock) [syn: {key}]
     3: mechanical device around which something can be wound
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