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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Wireless \Wire"less\, a.
   Having no wire; specif. (Elec.), designating, or pertaining
   to, a method of telegraphy, telephony, etc., in which the
   messages, etc., are transmitted through space by electric
   waves; as, a wireless message.

   {Wireless} {telegraphy or telegraph} (Elec.), any system of
      telegraphy employing no connecting wire or wires between
      the transmitting and receiving stations.

   Note: Although more or less successful researchers were made
         on the subject by Joseph Henry, Hertz, Oliver Lodge,
         and others, the first commercially successful system
         was that of Guglielmo Marconi, patented in March, 1897.
         Marconi employed electric waves of high frequency set
         up by an induction coil in an oscillator, these waves
         being launched into space through a lofty antenna. The
         receiving apparatus consisted of another antenna in
         circuit with a coherer and small battery for operating
         through a relay the ordinary telegraphic receiver. This
         apparatus contains the essential features of all the
         systems now in use.

   {Wireless telephone}, an apparatus or contrivance for
      wireless telephony.

   {Wireless telephony}, telephony without wires, usually
      employing electric waves of high frequency emitted from an
      oscillator or generator, as in wireless telegraphy. A
      telephone transmitter causes fluctuations in these waves,
      it being the fluctuations only which affect the receiver.

Wireless \Wire"less\, a.
   Having no wire; specif. (Elec.), designating, or pertaining
   to, a method of telegraphy, telephony, etc., in which the
   messages, etc., are transmitted through space by electric
   waves; as, a wireless message.

   {Wireless} {telegraphy or telegraph} (Elec.), any system of
      telegraphy employing no connecting wire or wires between
      the transmitting and receiving stations.

   Note: Although more or less successful researchers were made
         on the subject by Joseph Henry, Hertz, Oliver Lodge,
         and others, the first commercially successful system
         was that of Guglielmo Marconi, patented in March, 1897.
         Marconi employed electric waves of high frequency set
         up by an induction coil in an oscillator, these waves
         being launched into space through a lofty antenna. The
         receiving apparatus consisted of another antenna in
         circuit with a coherer and small battery for operating
         through a relay the ordinary telegraphic receiver. This
         apparatus contains the essential features of all the
         systems now in use.

   {Wireless telephone}, an apparatus or contrivance for
      wireless telephony.

   {Wireless telephony}, telephony without wires, usually
      employing electric waves of high frequency emitted from an
      oscillator or generator, as in wireless telegraphy. A
      telephone transmitter causes fluctuations in these waves,
      it being the fluctuations only which affect the receiver.

Wireless \Wire"less\, n.
   Short for {Wireless telegraphy}, {Wireless telephony}, etc.;
   as, to send a message by wireless.

Source : WordNet®

     adj : having no wires; "a wireless security system" [ant: {wired}]

     n 1: medium for communication [syn: {radio}, {radiocommunication}]
     2: transmission by radio waves
     3: an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and
        amplifies transmitted signals [syn: {radio receiver}, {receiving
        set}, {radio set}, {radio}, {tuner}]
     4: a communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic
        waves [syn: {radio}]

Source : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

         A term describing a computer {network} where
        there is no physical connection (either copper cable or {fibre
        optics}) between sender and receiver, but instead they are
        connected by radio.
        Applications for wireless networks include multi-party
        {teleconferencing}, distributed work sessions, {personal
        digital assistant}s, and electronic newspapers.  They include
        the transmission of voice, video, {image}s, and data, each
        traffic type with possibly differing {bandwidth} and
        quality-of-service requirements.  The wireless network
        components of a complete source-destination path requires
        consideration of mobility, {hand-off}, and varying
        transmission and {bandwidth} conditions.  The wired/wireless
        network combination provides a severe bandwidth mismatch, as
        well as vastly different error conditions.  The processing
        capability of fixed vs. mobile terminals may be expected to
        differ significantly.  This then leads to such issues to be
        addressed in this environment as {admission control},
        {capacity assignment} and {hand-off} control in the wireless
        domain, flow and error control over the complete end-to-end
        path, dynamic bandwidth control to accommodate bandwidth
        mismatch and/or varying processing capability.
        {Usenet} newsgroup {news:comp.std.wireless}.
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