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The Deity

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Deity \De"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Deities}. [OE. deite, F. d['e]it['e],
   fr. L. deitas, fr. deus a god; akin to divus divine, Jupiter,
   gen. Jovis, Jupiter, dies day, Gr. di^os divine, Zey`s, gen.
   Dio`s, Zeus, Skr. d[=e]va divine, as a noun, god, daiva
   divine, dy[=o] sky, day, hence, the sky personified as a god,
   and to the first syllable of E. Tuesday, Gael. & Ir. dia God,
   W. duw. Cf. {Divine}, {Journey}, {Journal}, {Tuesday}.]
   1. The collection of attributes which make up the nature of a
      god; divinity; godhead; as, the deity of the Supreme Being
      is seen in his works.

            They declared with emphasis the perfect deity and
            the perfect manhood of Christ.        --Milman.

   2. A god or goddess; a heathen god.

            To worship calves, the deities Of Egypt. --Milton.

   {The Deity}, God, the Supreme Being.

            This great poet and philosopher [Simonides], the
            more he contemplated the nature of the Deity, found
            that he waded but the more out of his depth.
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