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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Mahoe \Ma"hoe\, n. (Bot.)
   A name given to several malvaceous trees (species of
   {Hibiscus}, {Ochroma}, etc.), and to their strong fibrous
   inner bark, which is used for strings and cordage.

Hibiscus \Hi*bis"cus\, n. [L., marsh mallow; cf. Gr. ?.] (Bot.)
   A genus of plants (herbs, shrubs, or trees), some species of
   which have large, showy flowers. Some species are cultivated
   in India for their fiber, which is used as a substitute for
   hemp. See {Althea}, {Hollyhock}, and {Manoe}.

Source : WordNet®

     n : any plant of the genus Hibiscus
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