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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Wiredraw \Wire"draw`\, v. t. [imp. {Wiredrew}; p. p.
   {Wiredrawn}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Wiredrawing}.]
   1. To form (a piece of metal) into wire, by drawing it
      through a hole in a plate of steel.

   2. Hence, to draw by art or violence.

            My sense has been wiredrawn into blasphemy.

   3. Hence, also, to draw or spin out to great length and
      tenuity; as, to wiredraw an argument.

            Such twisting, such wiredrawing, was never seen in a
            court of justice.                     --Macaulay.

   4. (Steam Engine) To pass, or to draw off, (as steam) through
      narrow ports, or the like, thus reducing its pressure or
      force by friction.

Source : WordNet®

     See {wiredraw}
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